“When Someone Cooks For You”

“They are saying something. They are telling you about themselves: Where they come from, who they are, what makes them happy.” Anthony Bourdain

I like to cook and to share my recipes with anyone who likes delicious, healthy and easy to make meals. When I cook, it’s important for me to try to make the recipe flow and easy to make, this way, when I pass along a recipe, you cook will not be bogged down with details that make cooking a chore. My ingredients are found at any grocery store. I do not like to use exotic
or hard to find ingredients. If I do, anyone trying my recipe may not find certain items then they will omit or substitute with other ingredients and you may lose out on tastes I was looking for.
Make it simple and delicious is a must. My goal is to give you the understanding and the confidence to make the recipe and enjoy doing so. When I go out to restaurants and eat something tasty, I challenge myself to replicate the recipe, often healthier than you find in restaurants.

When I’m preparing to make a meal, I want to eliminate stress, music and maybe a glass of wine can help. Another way is shopping the day before I plan on cooking. This way I don’t have to worry about shopping and cooking on the same day. When I am cooking, I try to be as prepared, organized and as clean as possible. I will have all the utensils, pots, pans and ingredients out and measured so I don’t forget anything and so I don’t have to search for things as I’m cooking. I try to be efficient as well. While something is cooking, I’ll prepare other items or I will clean as I go. Who wants to worry about a big cleanup after a delicious meal?

One of the most important ingredients to a recipe is a little TLC: time, love and care.

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